Let’s build this Arctic capital together


next.rovaniemi.fi is a platform for residents and those interested in the town to develop new ideas. You can make suggestions, explore/look up or vote for ideas, stay up to date with what’s happening next in Rovaniemi or find out what’s bubbling beneath the surface.



Work remotely in Rovaniemi?

Discover Rovaniemi’s remote working opportunities and read why our city is an excellent destination for that.


Thank you for answering our survey, we got quite a nice amount of concrete ideas!

We are currently going through the proposals and during January 2021 we start implementing the 100 actions piece by piece, throughout the year. Stay tuned!


The R logo is for all of us

The Rovaniemi R logo is now for everyone to use. Create your own version of it! Try different colors or photos and show the world how your R logo looks like.


Opening this platform is a good idea?

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Should Rovaniemi highlight its history and the original local lifestyle more in the future?

92% Sure!
8% No!

“Great, that’s how it should be done. The business sector and companies have a vision of what is needed for all of us to succeed here. Great leadership.”
Comment on Facebook about the mayor’s visits to businesses.


Rovaniemi’s renewed brand strengthens the city’s position as an Arctic capital

Going forward, the Rovaniemi Group will communicate with a more harmonious brand. The brand work has been carried out in extensive interaction with personnel, residents and companies. Workshops, meetings and surveys have provided valuable information as the work has been carried out.

What could we handle on this site next?

Use the form below to suggest what we should explore on this website in the future. It could be a specific topic, an idea for the next short survey or a comment on the current content of next.rovaniemi.fi? Now over to you!

    P.S. next.rovaniemi.fi is not the city’s official feedback channel and we do not process resident feedback on this site. The official feedback channel can be found here.